Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Fuck Mr. Right

While indulging in a hungover Saturday morning, well.. afternoon I received a call from my Mom. She always starts off a conversation with "You out and about?" As if I have such a wonderful life, where I'm constantly doing things.. weird enough is that 1 of  2 things always happens.

Scenario One: "why yes, I'm actually out with ---- and we're going to ---"

"Ohhhh so I guess you're made of money, always out spending money you don't have. Well I guess you can afford to take over (insert bills)" (insert eye roll) "don't roll your eyes at me, I know when you're doing it!" She says. 

Scenario Two: "Nope, I'm at home.. just watching tv  or ----"

"Why? You okay? You good on money? What happened, are you sad?" She says so guilty, because she knows what she would have said, otherwise. Then I'm dragged into a much longer conversation than intended. She then gets worried and calls everyday until she's sure I'm fine. 

So really, there is no right answer to this question. I went with the truth. 

"No, I'm at home.. I have a headache. I'm just watching TV and being a bum" 

"How are you going to meet Mr. Right being a lazy-ass hermit?" She asks, taking me completely by surprise. 

So being hungover and completely caught off guard by whatever has inceptioned its way into my mom I shout, "Fuck Mr. Right!!"

To my relief my mom starts laughing hysterically and shouts, "There is my Sam, atta girl! Guess your back. About damn time girl. You were starting to worry me, you little shit" (little shit is her pet name for me, always has been. - Warm and cuddly, huh?) 

"Well, guess I am back" I say, excited that I'm not all mopey and if I'm telling the truth, quite surprised as well. 

"What did it this time" she asks, calmly and more inquisitive. 

"Oh you know, just another douche disguising as a nice guy, but this time I saw through the bullshit and hit pause." 

"Well you're right, fuck Mr. Right, let that asshole come to you!" she says, very Motherly - well for her.
"But don't spend all day in your apartment, ok?" -she adds, to make sure I am indeed okay. 

The thing is, some lines like that, like a little mother-henish, additional comment to most other people would be nagging.. but I know the difference between her nagging and her feelings that she can't really express. Something like "But don't spend all day in your apartment, ok?" with the inflection in her voice in the "ok?" means so much more. It means, "I worry about you. I love you. I want you to be happy. I want to say more."

But, because it is my Mom, who is super uncomfortable with displays of emotion talking to me, who is exactly the same, we leave it at that and make a joke. 

"Yea yea, I'm going out tonight, on to the next one!"

What can I say - like Mother like Daughter. 


Unknown said...

Love it! Makes me smile :)

Anonymous said...

They just keep getting better! Can u please send your shit to someone already to u can be famous and I can be your shopping bag holder, cuz I will not clean up after u. Luv Jen

Unknown said...

hahaha! Thanks Jen. I want to, but I want to build up a portfolio first. And yes, I would love you to hold my bags lol. If I ever make decent money from writing I will take all my friends on a fab vacay!!