Subject: you are in control of all my decisions re: boys
since I am incapable of making good choices regarding my love life (or lack their of) you are now in complete control. (complete is used lightly.)
2 things:
One, that guy i was seeing went away for a job and i didn't hear from him for 2 weeks, now he's calling again but won't be back till late August/September or maybe never I don't know. I liked him but now i'm not so sure.. I feel bad. Do I tell him I'm not into it anymore or give him a shot, or ignore him.
Two, If i'm attracted to someone or some people, and I feel like it may be mutual but nothing comes out of it because he/they won't make a freaking move, should I?
I give up. haha
My Mom's reply:
Subject: RE: you are in control of all my decisions re: boys
One if you don’t feel anything at all for that guy then don’t lead him on, but wait until he gets back don’t do while he’s away or over a text or e-mail.
Two no don’t invite guys if they want to they'll ask, let him chase you give him a little taste of what may be to come some of that caramel sweetness LOL I know yuck…
Three I was up late last night and saw an ad for hahaha.
Me to Mom: Subject: RE: you are in control of all my decisions re: boys
I saw that stupid commercial for Christian singles too. ayyy. I doubt anyone who is on Christiansingles would want to date me. I am too crazy for a bible thumper and that isn't the wussy kinda of guy i'd want.
Yes, In case you missed it or disregarded it, my mom referred to my body/sex/no clue as "caramel sweetness" I wish I made this shit up.
See, world - I had no shot at being a normal, appropriate, lady-like young woman. NO SHOT IN HELL. My mother is definitely not your average June Clever, but hey she tells it like it is, solid advice, minus Christian Singles.
I'm an avid reader of your blogs... LOVE THEM
Weeeee! Thanks Saundra, I appreciate that :)
Awesome....maybe you can send me your mom's email address? I could use some of that advice! Lol
Awesome....maybe you can send me your mom's email address? I could use some of that advice! Lol
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