Thursday, January 24, 2013

Emails from My Mother...

Daily emails with my mom.. this is just yesterday's thread. 

The adventures of the emotionally retarded mother/daughter duo.. world's worst combination. We can't even express emotion with each other, there is no hope for me. 

MOM:   Hey girl is everything ok kind of got the feeling you needed to tell me something. Don’t forget to make an appointment for the dentist and the doctor.

ME:   no everything is fine, just birthday blues.. mostly the fact that i'm going to be 26 which is the age you had or were preggo with me and i'm still single as F with no prospects (anymore) and my job sucks .. mostly this is not what i had in mind for myself when i was younger.. you know ..that same ol' same pessimistic feelings. hahaha

I had liquid courage and just laid it all out there. It didn't go well. Now i'm sad and old and lonely. I'm gonna start collecting cats. right meow.

MOM:   HAHAH…sorry had a good laugh there. Good things comes to those who wait and all the garbage that goes along with lifting someone’s spirits.

It’ll happen, you're still young. I’ll lay off the grandma thing.

As for your job well hopefully there’s one out there perfect for you. Write to Oprah ask her for a job, appeal to her sense of whatever Oprah feels.

ME:   hahaha oh man, you are terrible at reassurance, luckily i am also terrible so i know when you actually have a genuine moment. WE ARE SO MESSED UP. 

I have been told that I was incapable of saying how i felt, unless it was through text message. They weren't wrong. I just don't like feelings. i don't want them, they're stupid and they make me feel things, ugh. 

MOM:  Dang Sam, were you always like this with your feelings. Well until  you show some emotion I guess that may be the day you find the ONE.
So texting is the only way your able to communicate your feelings? aye girl…ask your friends to set you up.

ME:   yea i'm emotionally retarded. 

i dont' think i'm at that age yet, if my friends knew of someone to set me up with, they would be with them. hahaha.

MOM:   The one’s that are in a relationship, a brother, or anything?  Aye Sam hope you have a good Birthday… 

Just like that, convo over. I think it got too close to being a mushy moment, neither of us are okay with that. So... know of any cats? 

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